ARSC 201

Students interested in aggieTEACH-Arts & Sciences are encouraged to take the teaching exploration course ARSC 201. This one-hour seminar course gives students the opportunity to learn more about the teaching profession and provides tutoring experience with an online platform called the Aggie Homework Helpline. ARSC 201 is not required for admission into aggieTEACH-Arts & Sciences but is strongly recommended and counts toward the student’s free electives in their chosen degree.

  • Aggie Homework Helpline Practicum

    Students will learn about teaching by tutoring online for one hour each week with the Aggie Homework Helpline.

  • In-Class Discussions

    In addition to the tutoring experience, students enrolled in ARSC 201 attend class together once a week to discuss topics regarding the qualities and characteristics of effective teachers. Students also learn about research-based instructional strategies, the state education standards, teaching diverse student populations, and classroom management techniques.

What’s After ARSC 201?

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Jennifer WhitfieldaggieTEACH – ARSC 201