Prospective Students

The aggieTEACH program began in 2001 as a collaboration between the College of Science and the College of Education and Human Development to meet the rising demand for highly-qualified secondary mathematics and science teachers in Texas and across the nation.  In 2020 aggieTEACH was expanded to include other colleges and departments at Texas A&M University.  In the fall of 2022, as a result of the merging of several colleges at Texas A&M University, the program in the College of Arts & Sciences is now known as aggieTEACH-Arts & Sciences, and we are under the umbrella of the aggieTEACH family as Pathway 1. To obtain teacher certification, each aggieTEACH-Arts & Sciences student must have a major within the College of Arts & Sciences that is related to a current Texas teacher certification and a minor in Secondary Education (SEED)** through the TLAC Department in the College of Education and Human Development.

In the years since, Texas A&M University has become a proven state leader in secondary teacher production. aggieTEACH-Arts & Sciences has aided in this growth by producing large numbers of high school content specific teachers. Since its inception, aggieTEACH (and now aggieTEACH-Arts & Sciences) has produced more than 400 teachers certified to teach in Texas high schools.

Our goal at aggieTEACH-Arts & Sciences is to have students successfully complete the program in the traditional four years of college so when students exit our program, they hold both a bachelor’s degree and a Texas Secondary Teaching Certificate. Our students are ready to teach in Texas public schools immediately upon completion of the program.

Who can be in aggieTEACH-Arts & Sciences?

If you are a freshman, sophomore, or junior enrolled in a major requiring at least 12 hours of upper level content specific courses, we can likely tailor a plan to get you certified to teach high school courses. Check out the Certification Process page to see a list of supported certifications and majors!

The steps of aggieTEACH-Arts & Sciences

Enroll in ARSC 201

  • Take the recommended one-hour exploratory course to dip your toe in the world of teaching.
Step 1

Apply to aggieTEACH-Arts & Sciences

  • Submit your application to make it official.
Step 2

Complete Coursework

  • Complete content and education courses needed for teacher certification.
Step 3

Clinical Teaching

  • Here's where you show them what you've got. Real-world teaching experience!
Step 4

Other Teacher Certification Programs at Texas A&M

aggieTEACH-Arts & Sciences is not the only pathway to teacher certification. The programs below are the second pathway in aggieTEACH and they offer teacher certification for those who have earned a college degree.

Graduate Certification Program (Post-Baccalaureate)

A graduate program offered through the College of Education and Human Development that requires 21 graduate credit hours.  All students in this program must complete a one-year public school internship.

Master of Ed. Degree in Curriculum & Instruction (Post-Baccalaureate)

A graduate program that requires 36 graduate credit hours. The first 21 graduate credit hours are earned with the Graduate Certification Program and the remaining 15 hours are earned through courses in the College of Education and Human Development.  All students in this program must complete a one-year public school internship.

Jennifer WhitfieldProspective Students